8/22/19While pursuing a master's degree and studying Sacred Art, I am continuously asking questions and putting them out in the universe. For instance, can allegorical art really unlock the imagination and open the heart of the viewer? Can a single image really say a thousand words or does it take a thousand words to create a single image? Two of the most brilliant artists, Dante Alighieri and John William Waterhouse, one spoke in words, the other in paint. Dante and Matilda (study) (formerly called "Dante and Beatrice" from Dante's Poem of Purgatory) John William Waterhouse c. 1914-17 |
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8/15/19 |
My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord,my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,for he has looked with favor on his humble servant.From this day all generations will call me blessed,the Almighty has done great things for me,and holy is his Name.He has mercy on those who fear Him in every generation.He has shown the strength of his arm,he has scattered the proud in their conceit.He has cast down the mighty from their thrones,and has lifted up the humble.He has filled the hungry with good things,and the rich he has sent away empty.He has come to the help of his servant Israel for he has remembered his promise of mercy,the promise he made to our fathers,to Abraham and his children for ever.Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever.Amen. Alleluia Today we celebrate the Assumption of Our Blessed Mother Mary. We celebrate her beauty, goodness and truth. One of my favorite paintings : The Assumption of Mary by Rubens, circa 1626 ~ Mary is the new Eve, the new Promise, the new Covenant. ~ She was God’s Tabernacle, where he dwelt inside her, pure and free from sin. ~ She is our Queen of Heaven, sitting next to Jesus as our King. Just as King David had his mother as Queen. ~ Mary’s relics were never found, which would have been a prize procession to any church. Instead, we believe her body was assumed into heaven and is with her Son. Today we celebrate in hope that we too, will be assumed in heaven one day...God willing. |
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8/11/19Author of faith, eternal Word, Whose Spirit breathes the active flame; Faith like its finisher and Lord, Today as yesterday the same: To you our humble hearts aspire, And ask the gift unspeakable; Increase in us the kindled fire, In us the work of faith fulfill. Faith lends its realizing light, The clouds disperse, the shadows fly; The invisible appears in sight, And God is seen by opened eye.
Hymn offered for the Morning Prayer in the Magnificat on 11 August 2019 |
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8/8/19St. Dominic (1170–1221) was born in Spain to a family of noble lineage. His mother, Blessed Jane of Aza, prayed at the church of St. Dominic Silos to conceive a male child, her first two sons being given to the priesthood. In answer to her prayer, she dreamed that a dog leaped from her womb carrying a torch in its mouth which set the world ablaze. At his baptism, his godmother beheld a star shining from his forehead. As a child Dominic showed signs of great sanctity and intelligence, and he was also given to the Church for the priesthood. When famine struck Dominic sold his rare and expensive theology books to feed the poor. As a priest he traveled with his bishop into southern France and discovered that it had been overrun with a heretical movement which led many away from the Church. This inflamed his desire to devote his life to apostolic preaching for the salvation of souls, at the time an office reserved to bishops. With the Pope's approval he founded the Order of Preachers, or the Dominicans, committed to defend the truth of the Catholic faith. St. Dominic's Order was novel in that it combined the active and contemplative religious life with the labor of scholarly study and itinerate preaching. St. Dominic was innovative in meeting the needs of his time to defend the Church against her enemies. To aid his mission, Our Lady appeared to him and gave him a new devotion—the Holy Rosary. St. Dominic is the patron saint of scientists and astronomers. His feast day is August 8th.
Enjoy learning about more Saints and deepen your faith with Daily Devotionals by Morning Offering |
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8/7/19Painting flowers is a passion. Their color, light, texture and sometimes their fragrance can bring pure joy to the soul and/or even calm a ferocious beast. Some flowers liked to be painted more than others, perhaps because they're just more flamboyant and attention seeking. Perhaps some flowers bring us deep into our memories, as well.
For instance, I wait in anticipation for the Princess Peonies to take stage among the springtime glory. My mom planted several of her mother's peonies in her garden...and granny planted great-granny's peonies in her garden. These beautiful flowers connect me to a multi-generation of heavenly souls.
For most of us, they bring us joy, but they also have a major purpose in God's order of things. They supply food, shelter and medicine to billions of insects, animals and people.
So the next time you're painting the landscape or arranging your still life, think about God's wondering gifts.
Blessings and Happy Painting:-)
This is a cute article about why flowers makes us happy. My Catholic lens tells me they're obviously a gift from God and to try to explain what makes us happy or love, wisdom, beauty...well ya get my point. But God made psychologists too ;-)  |
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